Filter Variants Example
Material React Table not only has filtering built in, but it also has a lot of different filter variants that take care of a lot of the heavy lifting for you. Text filters, date filters, range filters, range slider filters, and more are all built in and ready to use. There is much more you can do to customize the behavior of filtering, so be sure to check out the full Column Filtering Feature Guide for more information.
Status | Name | Salary | Hire Date | Age | City Filter by City | State Filter by State |
Active | Tanner Linsley | $100,000.00 | 2/23/2016 | 42 | San Francisco | California |
Active | Kevin Vandy | $80,000.00 | 2/23/2019 | 51 | Richmond | Virginia |
Inactive | John Doe | $120,000.00 | 2/23/2014 | 27 | Riverside | South Carolina |
Active | Jane Doe | $150,000.00 | 2/25/2015 | 32 | San Francisco | California |
Inactive | John Smith | $75,000.00 | 6/11/2023 | 42 | Los Angeles | California |
Active | Jane Smith | $56,000.00 | 2/23/2019 | 51 | Blacksburg | Virginia |
Inactive | Samuel Jackson | $90,000.00 | 2/23/2010 | 27 | New York | New York |
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1import { useMemo } from 'react';2import {3 MaterialReactTable,4 useMaterialReactTable,5 type MRT_ColumnDef,6} from 'material-react-table';7import { citiesList, data, type Person, usStateList } from './makeData';89const Example = () => {10 const columns = useMemo<MRT_ColumnDef<Person>[]>(11 () => [12 {13 header: 'Status',14 accessorFn: (originalRow) => (originalRow.isActive ? 'true' : 'false'), //must be strings15 id: 'isActive',16 filterVariant: 'checkbox',17 Cell: ({ cell }) =>18 cell.getValue() === 'true' ? 'Active' : 'Inactive',19 size: 170,20 },21 {22 accessorKey: 'name',23 header: 'Name',24 filterVariant: 'text', // default25 size: 200,26 },27 {28 accessorKey: 'salary',29 header: 'Salary',30 Cell: ({ cell }) =>31 cell.getValue<number>().toLocaleString('en-US', {32 style: 'currency',33 currency: 'USD',34 }),35 filterVariant: 'range-slider',36 filterFn: 'betweenInclusive', // default (or between)37 muiFilterSliderProps: {38 marks: true,39 max: 200_000, //custom max (as opposed to faceted max)40 min: 30_000, //custom min (as opposed to faceted min)41 step: 10_000,42 valueLabelFormat: (value) =>43 value.toLocaleString('en-US', {44 style: 'currency',45 currency: 'USD',46 }),47 },48 },49 {50 accessorFn: (originalRow) => new Date(originalRow.hireDate), //convert to date for sorting and filtering51 id: 'hireDate',52 header: 'Hire Date',53 filterVariant: 'date-range',54 Cell: ({ cell }) => cell.getValue<Date>().toLocaleDateString(), // convert back to string for display55 },56 {57 accessorKey: 'age',58 header: 'Age',59 filterVariant: 'range',60 filterFn: 'between',61 size: 80,62 },63 {64 accessorKey: 'city',65 header: 'City',66 filterVariant: 'select',67 filterSelectOptions: citiesList, //custom options list (as opposed to faceted list)68 },69 {70 accessorKey: 'state',71 header: 'State',72 filterVariant: 'multi-select',73 filterSelectOptions: usStateList, //custom options list (as opposed to faceted list)74 },75 ],76 [],77 );7879 const table = useMaterialReactTable({80 columns,81 data,82 initialState: { showColumnFilters: true },83 });8485 return <MaterialReactTable table={table} />;86};8788//Date Picker Imports - these should just be in your Context Provider89import { AdapterDayjs } from '@mui/x-date-pickers/AdapterDayjs';90import { LocalizationProvider } from '@mui/x-date-pickers/LocalizationProvider';9192const ExampleWithLocalizationProvider = () => (93 //App.tsx or AppProviders file94 <LocalizationProvider dateAdapter={AdapterDayjs}>95 <Example />96 </LocalizationProvider>97);9899export default ExampleWithLocalizationProvider;100
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